*Bike not designed by me
To increase mutual recognition of presence between cyclists and drivers, the Blindspot product system provides audible and visual communication to all who share the road. This allows for a greater sense of place and understanding of how to appropriately navigate the existing state of commuting.
The Challenge
Cyclists Don’t Feel Seen
Most cycling accidents occur because of a lack of visibility of cyclists when drivers are completely distracted. A driver’s most common response as to why they dangerously encountered a cyclist is “I didn’t see them”.
The Solution
Mutual Communication
For synergy and respect on the road, both cyclists and motorists are visually and audibly informed of one another at appropriate proximities. The cyclist receives information on their signal/light gathered from the radar and the motorist receives information on apple maps gathered using preexisting sensors.
Understanding the Problem
My research followed the double diamond structure and utilized four phases for a holistic product development process. Bike safety is a complicated system, so ensuring a solution was coming at the problem from the correct angle was crucial.
Identifying a Product Opportunity
Understanding the Opportunity
Conceptualizing the Opportunity
Realizing the Opportunity
Phase 1
Highlighting an Opportunity
Through analysis of the macro-environmental and social trends of the biking community with STEEPV, the main takeaway was that those who place themselves in the cycling community have very strong connections to this mode of transportation. This led to the understanding that there must be an increase in respect and communication between cyclists and motorist because sense of place is so important to those who commute by bike.
Phase 2
Defining Product Criteria
Research insights and current product analysis drove the definition of product criteria by placing cyclists’ needs first, positioning my product system for success. Insights include positive and negative reactions to mixed traffic, communication, consistent road use, and burden of responsibility. The main takeaway in this phase is that cognitive load should be decreased in cyclists to improve confidence in safety.
Final Product Criteria:
Clarifies cyclist intentions and in turn, increases cyclist visibility
Reduces burden of responsibility for cyclists
Facilitates proper use of the road and communicates respect.
Phase 3
Concept Exploration
At a high level, concepts at this stage needed to account for clarifying cyclist intentions, reducing the burden of responsibility, and facilitating proper use of the road. Concepts followed an end-to-end process of sketching, rough prototyping, and modeling.
Defining the System
A connected system using a pair of devices for the bike, Apple CarPlay and existing sensors was chosen as this combination of products provides safety for cyclists and awareness for all road stakeholders. Mutual use of devices and a service that does not cost extra removes the buy in necessary for a cyclist only product.
Phase 4
Concept Refinement
Through sketching, physical modeling, and digital modeling/renders, a final concept for Blindspot was achieved. Form factors were chosen based on ergonomics, ease of attachment, visibility from motorists, current design trends, and manufacturing capabilities.
Awareness From All Angles
The Blindspot system involves three components: bike radar, a device that communicates information gathered by the radar, and Apple Maps to place information into vehicles. The combination of all three components allows for an increase in awareness for all who share the road.
Blindspot’s Features
Both devices in the Blindspot system are easily removed for security when leaving your bike unattended. They both also feature a similar overall construction of injection molded HDPE and over-molded TPE.
Product Distribution
Growth Through Community
Utilizing college communities would provide the most immediate value to Blindspot’s community. Since colleges have innately contained ecosystems, the distribution would be simplified and centralized. Smaller communities would provide this product system with an initial opportunity for establishing a safer paradigm of riding.
Project Reflection
This subject is one that I have a personal stake in as I commute by bike, so I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work in a self-defined problem space. Another positive outcome was my ability to perform extensive research and have multiple rounds of confirmation regarding my insights. While this project gave me an outcome I am happy with, I think it came from a challenging process. The issue of cycling safety is a wicked problem and has no single, objective solution. As a designer, I had to funnel my thinking and efforts into a single solution but make sure I addressed the fact that this is not the one solution, just a proposition for a system that improves a flaw.